Staircase pendant lights are perhaps one of the most important and also one of the most difficult to get right. There are so many different choices, all dependant on the staircase design, height, cost and style. Please consider how the light looks from the top, cause the chances are you'll see down into the light from the upper floors. Occasionally, you can use a simple round light, a lantern or a traditional chandelier in a staircase, but more often than not, most people want a long pendant to cascade down the staircase levels. This can add up quickly, depending on quantities and size. Stay open-minded about a simple light for your staircase if you want to save costs, it can still look beautiful, I promise! That being said, this collection is dedicated to the long pendant seekers ...

Top Tip: Hanging staircase lights is tricky and requires the hiring of a scaffold, so have everything ready before they put the scaffold up, such as light bulbs if needed.